Qimmit: A Clash of Two Truths / Qimmit: Un choc, deux vérités

Forty years ago, as nomadic life was ending for Canada’s Inuit, the sled dog population plummeted from an estimated 20,000 to about 700. The collapse was traumatic, and the wounds of this loss are still open. What happened, and why? This documentary co-produced with the National Film Board of Canada for the Aboriginal People’s Television Network, and Societé Radio-Canada is making its way on the festival circuit. It will be released by NFB in mid-2011.

In this story of “two truths” and the power of memory, Piksuk crews traveled across Baffin Island to re-enact (photos) the killings of sled dogs in the 1960s and 1970s.

Visit Qimmit’s doc page on the NFB site.


Watch all six clips of Qimmit on the NFB player.

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  • About us

    Piksuk's mission is to promote Inuit history and culture and to train Inuit in all aspects of media work. We've been doing this since 2005. Read more on our company (with video). Or read more about the three people behind it.

    info [at] piksuk [dot] ca