High-Five: an adoption saga

Vancouver couple Cathy and Martin Ward wanted to adopt a baby. Instead they got five siblings, ages six to seventeen, from Ukraine. The wrenching story of the adoption process is just the beginning of this very human family saga. Since we began filming in 2008, all five kids have arrived and, each in his and her own way, are coping with the transition to youth and adolescent life in Canada. It’s a moving if strenuous ride for all concerned – a story of great emotions and insights into a migration like few others.

To advance the project, Piksuk entered a partnership, which sees Vancouver-based Interfilm produce what has now become a series, backed by The Knowledge Network of British Columbia. Director Julia Ivanova and producer Boris Ivanov are well advanced in the filming and plan to deliver the series by late 2011.

Posted in project, video | 1 Response
  • Produced with the financial assistance of Nunavut Film
  • About us

    Piksuk's mission is to promote Inuit history and culture and to train Inuit in all aspects of media work. We've been doing this since 2005. Read more on our company (with video). Or read more about the three people behind it.

    info [at] piksuk [dot] ca